Investment Approach and Criteria

Here is our investment approach and criteria:

  • Founder-led or family-owned small or midsize business,
  • Defensible business niche with a sustainable competitive advantage,
  • Loyal customers,
  • Favourable unit economics with high margins.

Here is what the sellers can expect from us:

  • A fair price for your business: the price that meets your reasonable expectations and gives us the best chance to succeed as the steward of your business;
  • Assurance that your business will continue as the status quo: your brand, culture, employees, customer relationships, and legacy will remain intact;
  • A transparent acquisition process: We will apprise you of what to expect in the process, including a clear and realistic timeline, diligence list, and work required from you and your team throughout the process;
  • Clean transition: We will work with you on the exact position and involvement that you will have in the go-forward business, respecting your wishes and what makes sense for the company.

Contact us if you are looking for a fair, trustworthy, and flexible capital and operating partner for a business whose characteristics align with our investment criteria.